

                                           Jaime Merino 



Jaime Merino is an associate professor at the Condensed Matter Theory Department at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in Spain. He received his Ph.D from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 1997. After postdoctoral research work at Brown University (USA) (1997-1998), University of New South Wales (Australia) (1998-2001) and the Max-Planck Institute for Solid State research in Stuttgart (Germany)  (2001-2003) he joined the Condensed Matter theory department at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM) as a Ramón y Cajal Fellow in 2003. He became a faculty member of the Condensed Matter theory department at UAM in 2010.  


Jaime Merino is a theoretical condensed matter physicist currently working in the area of strongly correlated systems.  His main research focuses on understanding the behavior of electronic systems in which Coulomb electron interactions are strong. Some of the topics addressed includes the understanding of transport properties of strongly correlated metals, out-of-equibrium quantum many-body theory, superconductivity in strongly interacting systems, charge ordering phenomena in low dimensional materials, deriving effective model Hamiltonians for strongly correlated systems, quantum spin liquids, topological properties of materials and Kondo impurities in metals.  


Click here to view his publication list and recent presentations.





During the past century, the band theory of solids led to an unprecedented revolution in the understanding of the electronic properties of simple metals,  semiconductors and band insulators. In such description electrons move independently from each other in the presence of the crystal potential and their intermutual interaction is negligible. This is because in such systems their Coulomb interaction is largely screened by the rest of mobile electrons. The low energy elementary excitations consist of electrons and holes excited across the Fermi energy of the metal.


However, there is a whole class of materials which cannot be understood with band theory and which have modernly refered to as: Quantum Materials. Unlike in conventional metals, the electronic properties of these systems are dominated by collective excitations typically arising from quantum many-body effects due to the strong Coulomb electron-electron interaction. Examples of such behavior include: the high temperature superconductivity in cuprates, the large effective electron mass in heavy fermions, spin-charge separation in one-dimensional systems and the Mott metal-insulator transition in transition metal oxides. 


Some of  our current research interests include:


1. Non-Fermi liquid behavior occurring close to quantum critical points in organics and heavy fermions: An important source of non-Fermi liquid metallic behavior is the proximity of a metal to a magnetic order instability. Proptotypical examples are the heavy fermions, in which by changing an external parameter such as the magnetic field, hydrostatic pressure or doping, the material can be tuned through a Quantum Critical Point (QCP). Such kind of QCP is driven by the critical fluctuations at a second order quantum phase transition between a homogeneous and an ordered metal at zero temperature. In contrast to classical phase transitions (such as the liquid-gas transition of water) in which thermal fluctuations are responsible for the transition, in QCP the fluctuations of the order parameter are strictly quantum mechanical in nature. To illustrate a prototypical example of QCP we show below the phase diagram of YbRh2Si2 in which an applied magnetic field destroys the antiferromagnetic order of the material (from Ref. [4]).


Within the blue regions the resistivity behaves as in a Fermi liquid: rT2 , (T being the temperature) whereas the orange regions indicate non-Fermi liquid behavior with the resistivity behaving proporcional to T down to the lowest temperaturas experimentally accessible. Such temperature dependence of the resistivity deviates from standard Fermi liquid which is generally termed (NFL). 


The understanding of  NFL in heavy fermions has progressed significantly in the last decade and there are two main scenarios for QCP’s.  The first one is based on the destruction of a spin density wave type of order occurring at the QCP. The second scenario assumes that a different type of critical fluctuations destroy the Kondo cloud liberating the screened local moments which become AF ordered.  The first type of QCP falls into the standard theory of quantum criticality of Hertz and Millis. The Ginzburg-Landau-Wilson classical field theory of the critical modes in classical phase transitions has been extended to include the

quantum nature of the fluctuations [1,2] of the spin density wave order parameter. However, Hertz and Millis theory cannot be applied to Kondo destruction type of quantum critical points. In this case, the relevant critical modes for the effective field theory have not yet been identified. This is due to the strong coupling nature of the Kondo effect (as opposed to the weak coupling nature of the spin density wave scenario).  An important question that arises is whether the superconductivity observed in some of these systems arises from the quantum critical fluctuations. The progress and knowledge acquired in heavy fermions may be useful for understanding non Fermi liquid behavior observed in other systems such as transition metal oxides and organics. We have currently investigated a similar possible QCP scenario in nearly charge ordered metals in which charge instead of magnetic fluctuations may lead to unconventional metallic behavior around the QCP above a low energy T* scale.















[1] J. A. Hertz, Quantum critical phenomena, Physical Review B 14, 1165 (1976).

[2] A. Millis, Effect of a nonzero temperature on quantum critical points in itinerant fermion systems, Physical Review B 48, 7183 (1993).

[3] T. Moriya, Spin-fluctuations in itinerant electron magnets, Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1985).

[4] P. Gegenwart, Q. Si and F. Steglich, Quantum criticality in heavy-fermion metals, Nature Physics 4, 186 (2008). 

[5] H. Lohneysen, A. Rosch, M Vojta and P. Wölfle, Fermi liquid instabilities at magnetic quantum phase transitions, Review of Modern Physics 60, 1015 (2007).

[6] P. Coleman, Heavy fermions: electrons at the edge of magnetism, Handbook of Magnetism and Advanced Magnetic Materials 1, 95 (2007). 



2. Mott insulating spin liquids and superconductivity in geometrically frustrated materials: Since Anderson's proposal [1] of the RVB theory for describing cuprate  superconductors there has been intense activity searching for materials which can display spin liquid ground states. For such spin liquids to exist strong Coulomb interaction and geometrical frustration are necessary ingredients which are naturally encountered in half-filled organic materials  in which molecules display triangular lattice arrangements. Recent experimental evidence for a spin liquid has come from spin susceptibility and NMR measurements on the quasi-two-dimensional Mott insulator kappa-(ET)2Cu2(CN)3 [2] which show the absence of long range magnetic order down to very low temperatures of about 32 mK. The data has been fitted to a Heisenberg model on an anisotropic triangular lattice through series expansions [3] and the properties of the spin liquid sate investigated [4] through variational wavefunctions. It is yet unclear if the spin liquid actually exists in the organic compound, the nature of the spin liquid state and, in particular, if its excitations are gapped or not. An important issue is the origin of the superconductivity appearing when pressure is applied to the spin liquid insulator which remains an open issue [5].




[1] P. W. Anderson, Resonating valence bonds: A new kind of insulator?, Materials Research Bulletin 8, 153 (1973).

[2] Y. Shimizu, et. al., Spin liquid state in an organic Mott insulator with a triangular lattice, Physical Review Letters, 91, 107001 (2003).

[3] W. Zheng, et. al., Temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility for triangular antiferromagnets with anisotropic exchange constants, Physical Review B,  59,14367 (1999).

[4] O. I. Motrunich, Variational study of triangular lattice spin-1/2 model with ring exchanges and spin liquid state in  \kappa-(ET)_{2}Cu_{2}(CN)_{3}, Phys. Rev. B 72, 045105 (2005) 

[5] Kurosaki et. al., Mott transition from a spin liquid to a Fermi liquid in the Spin-frustrated compound kappa-(ET)2Cu2(CN)3, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 177001 (2005).



3. Pseudogap phase in organic and cuprate superconductors: Understanding the mechanism of high-Tc superconductivity in cuprate materials is a fundamental challenge in condensed matter theory. The 'normal' metallic phase of these systems is highly unconventional displaying strong deviations from Landau-Fermi liquid behavior particularly in the underdoped regime in which a pseudogap phase with no apparent broken symmetry occurs. The most 'anomalous' observation in this phase is that the Fermi surface consists of disconnected arcs along the Brillouin zone diagonals as shown below (from Kanigel et. al., Nature Physics (2006))






A pseudogap phase has also been observed in the metallic phase of layered organic materials which are in close proximity to a Mott insulating phase. The common existence of a pseudogap state in the doping driven Mott insulators (cuprates) and in the bandwidth Mott transition (organics) suggests that the pseudogap is inherent to the properties of the Mott insulator in two-dimensional systems. We are currently trying to understand the microscopic origin of the pseudogap phase by exploring the evolution of the one-electron properties across the Mott metal-

insulator transition based on Dynamical Cluster Approximation (DCA) combined with QMC methods for the quantum impurity problem.



4. Field induced metallic states in correlated insulators: In the last decade the response of correlated insulators to external electric fields has been explored. Non-linear response currents (different to Ohms law) and switching phenomena have been recently observed in manganites [1], charge ordered organic layered compounds [2,3], the Mott insulator VO2 [4].Correlated insulators such as Mott insulators behave very differently from band insulators in the presence of applied fields. The external applied electric field can control the size of the one-electron gap directly in contrast to the situation in conventional semiconductors. Dynamical mechanisms such as the unbinding of doublons and holons have been proposed to decribe the metallic state induced by the external electric field. At present the understanding of these processes is rather poor because systematic theoretical approaches which include the strong Coulomb correlation effects as well as the steady state situation need to be developed. Only some recent attempts for describing such phenomena have appeared although based on mean-field approximations for the Coulomb interaction [5]. Our aim is to understand such field induced metal-insulator transitions in correlated insulators.


[1] A. Asamitsu, Y. Tomioka, H. Kuwahara, and Y. Tokura, Nature 388, 50 (1997).

[2] F. Sawano, et. al.,  An organic thyristor, Nature  437, 522 (2005).

[3] Y. Takahide, T. Konoike, K. Enomoto, M. Nishimura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 136602 (2006); Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 116602 (2007).

[4] Hyung-Tak Kim, et. al., Jour. Appl. Phys. 107, 023702 (2010).

[5] E. Yukawa and M. Ogata, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 79, 023705 (2010). 











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