Colloids in an ultrasonic standing wave

Particle hydrodynamics

Eulerian-Lagrangian Hybrids

This research aims to develop minimal models to resolve particle hydrodynamics in a robust and quite general way. The novelty resides in the type of coupling between the fluid and the small particles immersed in it. The coupling between the fluid and the blob is based on a no-slip constraint which constraints the particle velocity to the local average of the fluid velocity. This "coarse-grained" no-slip coupling, permits to consistently solve both, the fluid and particle inertia and conserves momentum and energy. We take into account thermal fluctuations in the fluid momentum equation. Owing to the non-dissipative nature of the no-slip coupling, the fluctuation-dissipation balance is possible without addition of extra particle noise. The local averaging and spreading operations are accomplished using compact kernels commonly used in immersed boundary methods. These kernels make the discrete blob a particle with surprisingly physically-consistent volume, mass, and hydrodynamic properties. The present inertial coupling method can model particulate flows in a wide range of time-scales ranging from Brownian to convection-driven motion, using a minimal cost. It can be naturally extended to polymeric fluids and other types of physico/chemical phenomena.


Florencio Balboa has developed a code written in CUDA, which works nicely and extremely fast in GPU cards. It can be downloaded at
Coalescence of two droplets of colloids
Florencio Balboa (UAM)
Aleks Donev (Courant Institute, New York)
Ignacio Pagonabarraga (Univ. Barcelona, Catalu~na)

Some works

  • Florencio Balboa Usabiaga, Ignacio Pagonabarraga, Rafael Delgado-Buscalioni, Inertial coupling for point particle fluctuating hydrodynamics , Journal of Computational Physics 235, 701 (2013)
  • F. Balboa Usabiaga, R. Delgado-Buscalioni, B. E. Griffith, A. Donev Inertial Coupling Method for particles in an incompressible fluctuating fluid , submitted - (2013)
  • Staggered Schemes for Fluctuating Hydrodynamics, F. Balboa, J. Bell, R. Delgado-Buscalioni, A. Donev, T. Fai, B. Griffith, C. S. Peskin (2011)
  • Some talks and seminars

  • Inertial coupling method for blob particle models. given at HYBRID2013, Julich, Germany, March 2013.