Current members
- Juan José García Esteban PhD Student (September 2020 -- )
Juanjo got his Bachelor degree in Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in June 2019. Then, he got his Master degree on "Condensed Matter Physics and Nanotechnology" in our university in June 2020 and, in particular, he did his master thesis under the supervision of my department colleague Jorge Bravo Abad and myself. He started his PhD in September 2020 and he is co-adviced by Prof. Jorge Bravo Abad (Theoretical Nanophotonics, UAM). The topic of his doctoral thesis is the theoretical description of radiative heat transfer in nanostructures using deep learning techniques. He is a recepint of a FPU fellowship.
- Óscar Mateos López PhD Student (November 2022 -- )
Óscar got his Bachelor degree in Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in June 2021. Then, he got his Master degree on "Condensed Matter Physics and Nanotechnology" in our university in June 2022 and, in particular, he did his master thesis under the supervision of Francesca Marchetti. He started his PhD in November 2022 and he is co-adviced by Dr. Guilherme Vilhena. The topic of his doctoral thesis is the theoretical description of heat conduction and thermoelectricity in atomic and molecular junctions.
- Pablo Martínez Martínez PhD Student (November 2022 -- )
Pablo got his bachelor degree in Physics at the Universidad de La Laguna in June 2021. Then, he got his Master degree on "Condensed Matter Physics and Biological Systems" at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid June 2022. He started his PhD in November 2022 and he is co-adviced by Dr. Guilherme Vilhena. The topic of his doctoral thesis is the theoretical description of heat conduction and in molecular junctions and 2D materials. He is a recepint of a FPU fellowship.
- Eva Ortiz Mansilla PhD Student (January 2023 -- )
Eva got her Bachelor degree in Physics at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in June 2020. Then, she got his Master degree on "Condensed Matter Physics and Biological Systems" in our university in July 2021. After working for a year as a consultant, she started his PhD in January 2023 and she is co-adviced by Prof. Jorge Bravo Abad (Theoretical Nanophotonics, UAM). She is a recepient of a fellowship of the Comunidad de Madrid (industrial doctorate) in the frame of a collaboration with the company Komorebi. The topic of her doctoral thesis will be the application of reinforcement learning to the resolution of theoretical problems in Nanophotonics.
- Tomás Miguel Sintes Pineda Bachelor Student (July 2023 -- )
Tomás is currently completing the 4th year of our Bachelor in Physics and working on his Bachelor thesis in our group on the topic of electron spin resonance in scanning tunneling microscopy.
- Alberto Villas Pazos PhD Student (July 2019 -- September 2020)
Alberto got his Bachelor degree in physics in the Universidad de Salamanca in January 2016. Then, he got his Master degree on "Nanophysics and Advanced Materials" in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (July 2017). After working as an Big Data analyst in the company Indra in Madrid, he joined our group in 2019. He started his PhD in July 2019 and worked for about a year on the theoretical description of the electronic transport in hybrid superconducting nanostructures containing magnetic impurities.
- Dr. Víctor Fernández Hurtado PhD Student (September 2014 -- June 2018)
Víctor got his physics degree in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in june 2013. Then, he got his Master degree on "Condensed Matter Physics and Nanotechnology" in our university and under my supervision in June 2014. He started his PhD in November 2014 and he was co-adviced by Francisco J. García-Vidal, the leader of the Nanophotonics Group in our department. The topic of his doctoral thesis was the theoretical description of radiative heat transfer in nanostructures. He got his PhD degree (suma cum laude) in June 2018.
- Dr. R. Martín Abraham Post-doc (June 2016 -- July 2017)
Martín received his degree in physics from the Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Martín worked at the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid (IMM-CSIC) in the Magnetoplasmonics Group under the supervision of Antonio García-Martín and myself. He was hired in the frame of the PHAMA_2.0 project funded by the Comunidad de Madrid. His work focused on the theoretical description of near-field radiative heat transfer in magneto-optical systems.
- Dr. Blanca Caballero PhD Student (September 2010 -- June 2016)
Blanca received her undergraduate degree in physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid in 2009 and she got her Master degree in June 2010 on "Condensed Matter Physics and Nanotechnology" also in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Blanca worked at the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Madrid (IMM-CSIC) in the Magnetoplasmonics Group under the supervision of Antonio García-Martín and myself. The topic of her thesis was the theoretical description of the light propagation through magneto-optically active plasmonic nanostructures and she got her PhD degree (suma cum laude) in February 2016.
- Dr. Linda A. Zotti Post-Doc (October 2007 -- December 2011)
Linda got her Physics degree (MsC) in 2003 from the University of Bari (Italy). She recieved her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Liverpool where she worked on the theoretical modelling of STM images under the supervision of Prof. Werner A. Hofer. She joined our group in October 2007 and worked with us during more than three years on different aspects of the coherent transport through single-molecule junctions using ab intio methods combined with non-equilibrium Green's function techniques.
- Stefan Bilan Graduate Student (April 2007 -- December 2011)
Stefan received his undergraduate degree in Chemical Engineering from the Polytechnical University of Timisoara (Romania) in 2004 and he has just finished (September 2010) his Master degree on "European master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling" in the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Stefan joined our group in April 2007 and worked on our activities on molecular electronics. Presently, he is the system administrator of our department.