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The list of Highly Cited Researchers 2020 from Clarivate identifies scientists and social scientists who have demonstrated significant and broad influence, reflected in the publication of multiple papers frequently cited by their peers during the last decade. Researchers are selected for their exceptional performance in one or more of 21 fields (those used in Clarivate Analytics Essential Science Indicators, or ESI) or across several fields.
6,389 researchers are named Highly Cited Researchers in 2020–3,896 in specific fields and 2,493 for cross-field performance. This is the third year that researchers with cross-field impact are identified. The number of researchers selected in each field is based on the square root of the population of authors listed on the field’s highly cited papers. The number of those with cross-field influence is determined by finding those who have influence equivalent to those identified in the 21 fields.
In the list of Physics, in which Prof. García-Vidal has been selected, only three researchers working in Spanish institutions have been included. Clarivate 2020 compilation of researchers list.

Francisco José García Vidal, Full Professor at the Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics Department of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Scientific Director at IFIMAC – Condensed Matter Physics Center, has been awarded the King Jaime I Prize in Basic Research in its 2020 edition.
The jury has recognized his research activity which has been mainly focused on theoretical studies of light transmission through subwavelength apertures and Plasmonics related subjects.
F. J. García-Vidal started this activity during his postdoctoral stay at Imperial College of London and continued when he returned to Universidad Autónoma de Madrid at the end of 1996. During its scientific career has published 264 peer-reviewed articles. His citation record stands at more than 25.000 and the H-index is 75(WoS). The average citation per article is more than 95, and has been included in Clarivate compilation of most influential authors. Since 2004, Prof. Garcia Vidal has supervised 14 PhD theses.
The Rey Jaime I Award recognizes researchers whose work is highly significant and has been developed for the most part in Spain. Throughout its 30 editions, it has been awarded to more than 146 researchers, the most important figures of the scientific, technological and entrepreneurial world of Spain.

Last Thursday, 16th of July, 2015 the IFIMAC – Condensed Matter Physics Center from Universidad Autónoma de Madrid has officially received the accreditation for “María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence”. This is a programme of the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness that aims to promote excellence in scientific research in Spain. The distinction has been received by the IFIMAC director, Prof. Francisco J. García Vidal in the presence of Ms. Carmen Vela the Secretary of State for Research, Development and Innovation within the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness
Accreditation as a “María de Maeztu Unit of Excellence” is valid for four years and includes a grant of 500.000 € per year during this period of time.